Women’s Health

Acupuncture has long been used to support all women’s health that is specific to them, not only those related to menstruation. Acupuncture can help from the teenage years onwards, from PCOS, Endometriosis, and Dysmenorrhea, through to peri-menopause, and into, through, and beyond Menopause. Chinese medicine views symptoms as an imbalance of our internal system and treatment is directed at helping to correct these imbalances, clearing excess or deficiency in the female body that causes the largely heat-related hot flushes, night sweats, disturbed sleep, anxiety, and Headache that often leads to a lack of confidence and happiness. Acupuncture can also be an effective support and/or alternative to HRT since many women don’t feel comfortable taking it, are sensitive to it or it’s contraindicated, and has been shown to help with related Osteoarthritis.