Issues of the gut are not rooted in the stomach exclusively. Everything can be involved in gut-related issues and it is not uncommon to find that the more chronic the issues with the gut, the more factors contributing to the dysfunction will be present, including stress, and anxiety. Acupuncture for IBS is just one area that has been developed and found to be effective, However, everyone is overstimulated, overworked, and often overfed both physically and emotionally. If your mind and body are constantly consumed then your energy will be too and your health will be in overdrive to compensate, attempting to balance you out and keep you functioning. Acupuncture works by stimulating all of our organs to react more appropriately to the stresses we put them under, creating a better balance in the digestive process and dispersal of nutrients and is used successfully on patients to reduce gas, bloating stomach pain, and acid reflux. It can also boost your metabolism, and alleviate constipation. Results of a study showed that acupuncture, both alone and as a combination therapy, improved disease activity index scores including weight loss, stool consistency, and bleeding; decreased the levels of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules (cytokines); and improved the normal function and the integrity of the intestinal lining. In clinical trials, investigators found that treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion improves symptoms and reduces inflammation in both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis