5-Element & Facial enhancement Acupuncture

I am a BAcC-and FEA accredited Acupuncturist working in private practice in Holborn and Walthamstow, London. I follow the principles of 5 Element Acupuncture to restore the proper functioning of the body at the deepest levels, integrating classical Chinese medicine techniques including Fire Cupping and Moxibustion as well as facial enhancement treatments to bring natural vitality and health back to the face and neck.

Whatever reasons a person has for seeking acupuncture, it is my belief that through a range of eastern and western medicine techniques, real change can occur alongside a relationship of mutual trust and openness.

  • “I was experiencing anxiety and tiredness and came to Adam for acupuncture. He is an excellent practitioner who listens carefully and really knows how to help. I fully recommend his acupuncture treatments. Thank you” —

    Maja, 36, Graphic Designer

  • “I have suffered from panic attacks, anxiety and stress since my teens. My sleeping patterns were disturbed for a while and my skin and general health was poor. Acupuncture was suggested to me by a friend and Adam came recommended to me by them so I tried it. I experienced an amazing difference in my life and I feel much more confident and better about myself. I can't thank you enough” —

    Neil, 46, Stylist

  • "Adam is excellent! He immediately puts you at ease from the first appointment. He has treated me for a whole range of both physical and emotional conditions and I always leave his treatments feeling more energised and calm. He resets and rebalances my whole system" —

    Rachel, 43, Yoga Teacher

What is 5-element acupuncture

Developed over thousands of years in China, 5-Element acupuncture seeks to exploit the body's natural ability to heal itself. Using pulse diagnosis and a detailed case history of you and your body’s natural cycles, we can bring effective change to your individual health needles with various techniques, including minimal fine needles in specific points on the body, cupping, and moxibustion and is used for any number of complaints which are often linked.

The five elements are then used to interpret and explain physiology and pathology where each element is associated with different organs and emotions. By working with you like this, we can find the root cause of any presenting symptoms and bring better long-term balance to you and your body.